Holy Week, or Easter in Spanish

Holy Week, or Easter in Spanish

or Easter in Spanish
Holy Week (Semana Santa) is a religious holiday in Spain, usually celebrated at the end of April. The first day of this week is the so-called "Palm Sunday" (Domingo de Ramos). If we compare it with the Russian Orthodox holiday, the analog of the holiday in our country is called "Palm Sunday". On this day believers of Spain sanctify in the church a branch of palm, laurel or olive, and dry branches long kept at home as amulets, considering them a protection from evil forces.
All week long there are processions: a performance on any religious subject, organized by religious brotherhoods or communities (Cofradias), existing at church parishes.
Each community prepares so-called pasos - large and heavy platforms with a sculptural group or groups depicting the suffering Christ, the Virgin Mary mourning him, sometimes with other characters.
This Spanish holiday reaches a special intensity on Thursday (Jueves Santo, Jueves de la Pasion) and Friday (Viernes Santo) of Holy Week. On Holy Thursday, many participants in the processions who have taken their vows carry a cross on their shoulders. In the procession, there are robes dressed as "Roman soldiers," "Jews," "angels," "devils," and others. During the procession there are stops, during which special chants are often sung.